Thursday 23 January 2014

My English Language Learning Journey

Since young, I have never taken a serious approach towards learning English. I have never liked reading, as large chunks of words seemed to intimidate me. This skewed my interest towards picture books or comics that seemed far more interesting and appealing rather than plain text. Growing up with this mind-set, I found writing formal assignments or essays became a chore for me. 

However, the importance of using proper English started to escalate when I started my part-time jobs. One of which was relief teaching in a neighbouring school. I had to help students read and improved their essays. This got me really nervous and it was brain-wrecking as I had to guide them in writing; something that I had no confidence in. This made me reflect seriously on my basic foundation in writing.
Moreover, students love to point out mistakes made by me while conducting a class. I felt regretful that I could not deliver a lesson in a language that I was supposedly comfortable in.

This incident made me realised that a good competency in speaking and writing English is indeed crucial and has motivated me to put in more effort in reading and writing. Learning English has become a process that I will want to improve and master.